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The Boulder Municipal Airport was established in 1943 to provide the citizens of Boulder, and the surrounding area, access to the National Airspace System.
Over the past 80 years there has been a number of attempts at forming an airport support organization, without long-lasting success.
Several of the earlier attempts tended to focus inwardly, inviting only local pilots to participate.
As the surrounding community has grown, and airport activities affect more people, the need to ameliorate the negative issues of general aviation have become paramount.
One means to improving this situation is to create a forum to address the negative issues as well as expound on the positive benefits of our community airport.

The Boulder Airport Association
was incorporated in Colorado as a not-for-profit corporation.
This limits the liability of the board of directors and officers.
The Association will also file for non-profit status with the IRS.
Carl Lawrence acted as the agent to file the articles of incorporation.
The initial board of directors met in April and elected the officers.
Carl Lawrence, Chair and President
Harry Ross, Secretary
Richard Henry, Treasurer
Jon Youngblut, VP

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